So this happened the other day

hopefully only a sprain.

By Stephen Schwetz

It has been about a week since my last post, but there is good reason behind this. Stand by for this weeks’ news.

The Ouchy Knee.


On Wednesday night, I sorta had an accident. I got up off the lounge to go to bed but didn’t realise that my leg had gone to sleep. It did not end well. I ended up going arse over tit whilst also managing to fall into a washing basket at one stage. It was loud and proud enough to get Emma to wake up and come screaming into the theatre to see what was going on.

After writing around on the floor performing the Peter Griffin, after a while, I could finally tell Emma what had happened. It took about 5 minutes to get up and off the floor.

Peter hurts his knee | Family Guy Wiki | Fandom

After waking up in the morning, I was in a world of hurt. I could not put any pressure on the leg and could only get around by sitting on my butt and gingerly moving around using my one good leg to push me around whilst trying not to go in circles.

After checking with the website that tells you what to do, Emma drove me up to the John Hunter Hospital, where after a couple of hours, I was taken into the emergency ward, had an x-ray (not broken) :raised_hands:

I have been fitted with the torcher device for a week and must use crutches for the first few days, but that has finished tonight, so now I can hobble around without them. It is still sore, but nowhere near as much as it did a few days ago.

Other happenings.

After initially using GitHub pages to host this blog, I did not want my blog’s source available to everyone, as some of it could be used against me :laughing:. As such, I decided to move away from having GitHub publish the pages and set the repo to private. Though some were lost, I have finished moving the old blog posts back on as much as possible.

This has let me enable additional functionality on the site, such as moving the markdown processor from Kramdown to CommonMarkGhPages, which is much more performant as it is a compiled C program instead of an interpreted ruby gem. It has dropped the build time for this site from the minutes down to the sub-30 seconds mark.

For now, I have also changed the cron job that does a Git pull to the source repository to run every minute, so you should know about the changes within one minute-thirty seconds of them being pushed to the repo. Can’t get more hot off the press than that.

I also run a script that makes up image galleries, the newer paginate plugin. To do this, I have had to fork the original theme repo add some of my customisations, and created pull requests back to the original repo. This is once again opensource coming into its own.

Emma has been offered and has accepted a laboritory technician role with NSW Health at John Hunter Hospital. I can’t wait for her to start this as it will allow her to see herself as contributing to the household income.

Tags: oouch injury knee

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