KB0001 - Log Rotate Fails for /var/log/vmware on NSX-T Manager and Edge Nodes


  • You are running NSX-T 3.1.
  • You may see the partition '/var/log/vmware' grow.
  • The following files may grow considerably:
    • integrity_checker.log
    • top-mem.log
    • top-cpu.log

If you run the command:

/usr/sbin/logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf 2>&1 | less

The following errors are displayed

error: appliance-config:3 bad size '12.8'
error: appliance-config:17 bad size '51.2'

Note: The command /usr/sbin/logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf 2>&1 | less is a debug command and will only read the configuration file to check its correctness.


This issue is caused due to an extra decimal point in the configuration file. This converts the number to a float, which the code does not accept.


This issue is resolved in NSX T 3.1.1 and onwards.


Log in as root on the impacted NSX-T Manager or Edge node.

cd /etc/logrotate.d

#Then copy the original file as a backup: 
cp appliance-config /tmp/appliance-config.bak

# replace with correct values, run the following command:
sed -i 's/12.8M/13M/g' appliance-config
sed -i 's/51.2M/52M/g' appliance-config

# remove 'su syslog adm' line from integrity_checker.log file rotate config section:
sed -i '/su syslog adm/d' appliance-config

No reboot or service restarts are required, as the next time logrotate is called by cron it will use these new values

Further Reading

  1. VMWare KB 82273