Owners Manual for Effective Mental Health and Troubleshooting Guide
Daily Maintenance Plan: What you need to be doing everyday to maintain wellness. (Exercise, mindfulness, medication, social interaction, meaningful activity, self care, engagement in enjoyable activities, journal, sleep hygiene, eat well, hydrate)
Early Warning Signs/ Red Flag: (Eg. Sleep changes, eating changes, withdrawal from others, increase in nightmares/flashbacks, increased irritability, increased drug and alcohol use, increase in risk taking, reduced enjoyment of enjoyable activities)
Wellness Toolbox/ What Helps: - Useful for support team to be aware of so can prompt and support in a way that works for the person ( Eg. Exercise, sleep, mindfulness, art, hobbies, distraction, connection, talking, not talking, shower/swim, podcast, therapy, helpline, medication, self care, good nights sleep, relaxation, strategies)
Triggers/ What Makes Things Worse: (Poor sleep, stress, disconnection, not maintaining the things that help, certain times of year/anniversaries, certain environments or people, rigid expectations that don’t allow for current functioning)