Sensory Bags

Sensory bags are the perfect introductory tactile activity for children. They help children to explore their sense of touch without having to get their hands messy.

Sensory bags can be simple and take just minutes to create, but provide hours of play.


Here are three simple and fun sensory bags to try. For all the "recipes" below, place the ingredients in your plastic bag, push all the air out of the bag, then seal the bag with duct tape.

  1. Oil and Water: Add a few tablespoons of water and baby oil to your freezer
    bag with a few drops of food colouring of your choice. The oil and water do
    not mix, which provides a great look and feel.
  2. Discovery Bags: This is also a simple way to practice visual skills. Fill the
    bag with rice, flour, or another simple ingredient and add tiny trinkets. You
    can add items such as alphabet beads, seasonal craft items, themed items, or
    even small numbers or letters.
  3. Mess-Free Finger Painting: This is great for children who are hypertensive to tactile input or for young children who are likely to put finger paint in their mouths. Fill the bag with a few drops of two different colours of paint. Tape the bag to the table on top of a white piece of paper and let your child go to town painting with no mess or fuss...
Always make sure to seal sensory bags properly. Duct tape is a great way to seal the edges.

If bags begin to look worn or you see any holes starting to form, discard immediately. Close supervision is always recommended.